Home » The Best Office Desk Exercises with No Equipment 

The Best Office Desk Exercises with No Equipment 

by Anuj Mahajan
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Picture this: it’s a typical workday, and you find yourself trapped in the relentless grasp of your desk chair. We’re happy to be back with the ultimate chair workouts to combat the desk-bound doldrums – Office Desk Exercises. Enhance your well-being during office hours with these easy to do office chair exercises. Ignite your fitness journey with transformative core workouts for lasting strength.

Best Office Desk Exercises in 2023
Fitness Exercise at Workplace

You’ve been sitting at your desk for hours, typing away and staring at spreadsheets. The workday seems endless, and your body is stiff and aching for movement. The hours on, and your body, once vibrant, now feels like it’s slowly melding with the office furniture. For many, the daunting question lingering is: “How do I start to work out?” The good news! There are some fitness exercise suitable for individuals who spend long hours confined to a desk. Break the sedentary cycle with these simple office chair exercises.

You know you need weight loss exercise, but between meetings, calls, and deadlines, finding the time feels impossible. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with simple office exercises. In just 15 minutes, you can breathe new life into your body and mind with the best desk setup. Embark on a transformative journey with a dedicated routine of core exercises, unlocking benefits that extend beyond mere strength. And the best part? You won’t need any fancy equipment or a costly gym membership to make it happen.

Say goodbye to the tyranny of meetings, phone calls, and looming deadlines that seem to steal every minute of your day. Join us as we unveil a repertoire of chair workouts that will have you feeling invigorated, focused, and ready to conquer your workday – with chair workouts

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What are the Benefits of Exercises?

Sitting for prolonged periods can negatively impact your health and productivity. Take a short break for quick Office Desk Exercises during work helps combat this. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that physical inactivity ranks as the fourth major contributor to global mortality. Even if you maintain a regular gym routine, extended periods of sitting during leisure, work, or commuting can classify you as an “active couch potato.” It’s a reminder for all of us to pause and contemplate the impact of our sedentary lifestyles. Incorporate fitness exercise into daily routines is essential for overall well-being

Healthy Life requires simple understanding- “How do I Start to Work Out?” Workouts are essential for a healthy life. Elevate physical and mental wellness, energize, improve sleep, and extend longevity with multifaceted benefits of exercise. Core workouts enhance posture, reduce injury risk, and boost athletic performance for overall well-being.

Regular physical activity offers adults long-term health benefits. It reduces the risk of dementia and depression, lowers the chances of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes, and decreases the likelihood of eight cancers. It also aids in maintaining a healthy weight, improving bone health, enhancing balance and coordination, and may even boost immune function.

How do I Start to Work Out: At Your Desk Workout

It’s bad for your body to sit for long amounts of time. Many office workers spend over 8 hours a day glued to their desks, which can lead to weight gain, muscle loss, and health issues like back pain or carpal tunnel syndrome. The good news is the best office desk exercises you can do right at your desk. Your body and mind will benefit from taking regular exercise for weight loss at work.

To begin working out at your desk, start with simple exercises like seated leg lifts, desk push-ups, and chair squats. Incorporate stretches for your neck, shoulders, and wrists to alleviate tension.

The Benefits: At Your Desk Workout
Take a break for better productivity

Gradually increase intensity and duration over time. Stay consistent and listen to your body’s limits to avoid injury while improving your fitness at work. The fundamental concept here is mastering the art of taking efficient breaks to boost productivity.

Elevate Your Workstation: Desk Exercise Equipment and Desk Setup

In the ever-evolving landscape of office productivity, 2023 brings exciting innovations that empower you to desk setup for both work and wellness. This year, two key aspects are at the forefront: your desk setup and the integration of desk setup equipment.

Desk Setup 2023
Importance of Sitting Postures

Desk Setup for Peak Performance:

Your workstation is the epicenter of productivity, it’s time to elevate it to new heights with exercise at your desk. Desks were designed with a one-size-fits-all approach, but simple adjustments can greatly enhance your workspace. Discover how these changes can optimize your desk and office chair to suit your needs, as demonstrated by ergonomics expert Jon Cinkay from the Hospital for Special Surgery. It’s all about making your workspace adapt to you, rather than the other way around.

Ergonomic chairs with lumbar support and adjustable features ensure you can work comfortably for extended periods, reducing the risk of discomfort or injury.

Desk Setup for Peak Performance
Infographic: Correct sitting posture. Desk Setup

Sit-stand desks are:

  • A game-changer.
  • This feature lets you switch between sitting and standing.
  • Promoting better posture and circulation.

Cable management solutions are no longer optional; they’re essential. Keep your workspace clutter-free and organized with innovative cable management systems, ensuring a clean and distraction-free environment for focused work.

Desk Exercise Equipment for Wellness:

While productivity is crucial, so is your well-being. Consider incorporating desk exercise equipment into your setup. Under-desk treadmills and mini ellipticals provide discreet, low-impact ways to stay active during your workday. These innovations let you burn calories, increase energy levels, and boost creativity without leaving your desk.

The Best Office Desk Exercises in 2023
Office chair exercises | Stretches

The integration of fitness equipment into your workspace aligns with the rising trend of Smart Fitness, enabling you to seamlessly merge your work and wellness routines. In essence, your desk becomes a dynamic hub that not only fosters productivity but also nurtures your physical health, ensuring that you can perform at your best throughout the year.

Read Also (for Home workout):

15-Minute Office Desk Workout: With No Equipment

You love your job, but the long hours and sedentary lifestyle take a toll on your physical health. You know you should work out, but your schedule doesn’t let you. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. 

Stay productive with this no-equipment office desk exercise routine, focusing on core exercises to strengthen your abdomen, lower back, and pelvis. Boost your productivity with these quick and easy workouts designed for the office environment

1. Squats: 

Stand up and sit back down repeatedly for 30 seconds. Squats strengthen your legs and glutes.

15-Minute Office Desk Workout
Fitness Exercise Squats at Office: Elevate Your Work, Tone Your Body!

2. Pushups: 

If a full pushup is too difficult, modify it by doing knee pushups or wall pushups. Work your chest, shoulders, and triceps.Choose desk pushups for wrist-friendly stress relief or wall pushups to strengthen your body. Both enhance office breaks, improving posture, energy, and focus while combating sedentary work effects

Benefits of exercise
Push Up: Power Up: Benefits of exercise

3. Forearm side plank: 

Support your body weight with your forearms and toes while keeping your body straight for 30 seconds. Works your core. Forearm side plank is regarded as one of the best core exercises. It helps in improved overall fitness and well-being

15-Minute Office Desk Workout
One of the best Exercise for Core Conditioning

4. Lunges: 

Step one leg forward and lower your body until both knees are bent at about 90 degrees, then push back to the starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds. Incorporate these core exercises into your workout routine to build strength, stability, and endurance in your core muscles

5. Shoulder-tap blast-off: 

Bend forward at the hips with your knees slightly bent and touch your opposite hand to shoulder. Twist side to side for 30 seconds. Works your core and shoulders.

6. Glute bridge: 

Lie on your back with your knees bent and lift your hips while squeezing your glutes. Hold for 30 seconds. Works your glutes and hamstrings.

Young woman doing bridge. Image by YuriArcursPeopleimages

7. Crab walk: 

Sit with knees bent and hands behind you. Lift your hips and walk sideways using your hands and feet for 30 seconds. Works your core.

8. High knees: 

Run in place, lifting your knees to hip level for 30 seconds. Provides an intense cardio workout.

15-Minute Office Desk Workout
People practicing workout at workplace during Office breaks

Energize your body and mind with this quick, no-equipment office workout. In just a few minutes, you can boost your productivity and well-being during the workday.

  • Warmup- 30 Jumping Jacks
  • Legs- Squats 20 Reps x2 3. Core- Knee to Elbow 20 Reps x2
  • Upper Body- Push ups 10 Reps x
  • Abs- Roll-ups 15 Rep x 2
  • Core- Plank 5 Sec
  • Cool Down- Child Pose 30 Sec

Taking short exercise breaks during your workday provides so many benefits. You’ll feel less stressed, more focused, and energized. Over time, these mini-workouts will help improve your strength, flexibility, and endurance. Your body and mind will thank you!

Office Desk Exercises: Incorporating Smart Fitness Technology

The biggest fitness trend is staying active at the office. Life has never been smarter than now. Thanks to the fusion of desk exercises with the biggest fitness trend of the year – Smart Fitness. Beyond traditional routines, this innovative approach leverages technology to make your office desk exercises routine more efficient and engaging.

  1. Personalized Desk Workouts: Smart Fitness applications analyze your work schedule, posture, and fitness goals to create personalized desk exercise routines. These routines can be seamlessly integrated into your workday, ensuring you stay active without disrupting your workflow.
  2. Wearable Integration: Wearable fitness trackers and smartwatches play a crucial role in Smart Fitness. They monitor your activity, remind you to take short exercise breaks, and track your progress throughout the day.
  3. Virtual Desk Exercise Trainers: Imagine having a virtual fitness coach guiding you through desk exercises. Smart Fitness platforms offer virtual trainers that ensure you’re performing exercises correctly and efficiently, reducing the risk of strain or injury.
  4. Desk-Friendly Gadgets: Smart Fitness isn’t limited to apps and wearables. Desk-friendly exercise equipment, like mini ellipticals or under-desk treadmills, can be seamlessly incorporated into your workspace, making staying active even easier.
  5. Gamification and Motivation: Smart Fitness often includes gamification elements and social features, allowing you to compete with colleagues or earn rewards for meeting your exercise goals, adding a fun and motivational aspect to your desk workout routine.
Best Office Desk Exercises in 2023
Perfect for Under Desk Exercise

Smart Fitness is the biggest fitness trend, revolutionizing the way we approach office wellness and ensuring that you can enjoy the benefits of staying active and exercising at your desk. These innovations make it easier than ever to incorporate effective and engaging desk exercises into your daily routine.

 Five Simple Desk Setup Ideas 

Prolonged durations of sitting are harmful to your health. You can counteract the effects right at your desk. Here are five desk setup ideas you can do without leaving your chair.

Shoulder rolls

Spread your shoulders out and back slowly as you roll them back and forth. Do 10 rolls in each direction. This helps loosen your upper back and neck, reducing tension and stress.

Torso twists

Sit up straight and grasp the back of your chair. Keep your bottom body still as you twist your upper body from side to side. Twist as far as comfortably possible in each direction. Add 10-15 repetitions on each side to your core exercise routine for a well-rounded workout.Twisting motions help keep your spine flexible and mobile.

Arm stretches

Hold out one arm above your head and gently pull it across your body with the other arm. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. Next, clasp your hands behind your back and raise your arms up and away from your body. Hold for 30 seconds. Release and repeat 2-3 times. These stretches relieve tension in your shoulders, chest, and upper back.

Calf raises

Lift your heels, so you’re on your tiptoes. Hold for three seconds, then let go. Repeat for 10-15 reps. Calf raises help to improve ankle mobility and circulation in your lower legs.

Desk pushups

Put your hands on the edge of your desk, about shoulder-width apart. Step your feet back so your body forms an incline, then bend your elbows to lower your chest toward the desk. Push back to the starting position. Repeat for 10-15 reps. Desk pushups strengthen your chest, shoulders, and core without leaving your chair.

Get the BodyFit by Amy: 5 Min Office Desk Exercises

Revitalize Your Workday: A 5-Minute Office Break Workout – No Equipment. These Low-Impact makes for a Productive Day. Taking short breaks to move and stretch makes a big difference. Try doing five simple desk setup ideas right at your desk 2-3 times a day.  

Incorporating movement into your day is crucial, especially if you have a sedentary desk job with limited time for exercise. Dani Johnson, a wellness physical therapist, introduces a Mayo Clinic solution designed to help individuals add some physical activity to their daily routine right at their desks. These exercises, known as the “5 Fabulous Exercises,” offer a convenient way to stay active without the need to step away from your workspace.

Chair Workouts at your desk: Fit Your Schedule

Setting up a quick chair workouts at your desk requires a workout routine that fits into your busy work schedule and is totally doable. The key is starting small and building up from there. Begin with just 2-3 short desk exercises a day, 3 times a week. As it becomes a habit, you can gradually increase the frequency and add in more exercises.

Start with the basics

Focus on simple bodyweight moves like squats, calf raises, shoulder rolls, and neck stretches. These require no equipment and can be done in the few minutes of downtime you have, like while waiting for your computer to boot up or on a call.

Take walk breaks

If possible, step away from your desk for a quick 5-10 minute walk. Walking provides physical and mental benefits, and the change of scenery will reinvigorate you. Ask a co-worker to join you for an energizing stroll. Getting outside for some fresh air and vitamin D will do you a world of good.

Do Desk Pushups

Place your hands on the edge of your desk and step your feet back to an inclined pushup position. Bend your elbows to lower your chest towards the desk and then push back up. Start with 2-3 reps and build up as you get stronger. This works your chest, shoulder, and triceps muscles.

Stretch in your seat

While seated, extend one leg and bend the other knee, placing your foot on the ground. Twist your torso to look behind you, grasping the back of your chair for support. Hold for 30 seconds and switch legs. This provides a gentle twist to your spine and hips. You can also do seated hamstring stretches, torso twists, and shoulder rolls.

The key to success is making exercise a habit and part of your regular workday routine. Even taking short breaks to move and stretch will provide big benefits for your health, productivity, and well-being. Take a coffee break with healthy snacking. Stick with it, and before you know it, you’ll be feeling stronger and more focused during those long hours at your desk.

Optimal Health: Easy Office Desk Exercises

Upgrade your desk setup for both productivity and well-being. Consider ergonomic chairs and sit-stand desks for comfort. Combine this with exercises you can do while sitting. Try seated leg lifts, desk chair squats, seated knee extensions, and seated hip marches to break up prolonged sitting. These exercises boost circulation, reduce stiffness, and maintain your focus. With the right desk setup and quick seated exercises, you can enhance your work environment, promoting a healthier, more energetic workday.

5 Simple Ways: How to relieve shoulder pain from sitting at desk

An inadequate office ergonomic arrangement can lead to discomfort in the neck, stiffness, lower back pain, repetitive strain injuries (RSI), reduced blood circulation, and increased fatigue. Shoulder pain from desk work is a common complaint, but it doesn’t have to be a constant companion.

Relieve Back Pain at Work with Simple Exercises: Improve posture and reduce discomfort. Discover ergonomic tips to make your workday pain-free and enhance daily productivity

With a few simple adjustments and best ergonomic desk setup, you can find relief and prevent discomfort. How to Relieve Back Pain while sitting at Work: Simple Exercises for Relief. These five straightforward ways to alleviate shoulder pain and promote better posture and well-being:

  1. Ergonomic Setup: Ensure your desk, chair, and computer are ergonomically arranged. Adjust your chair height so your feet rest flat on the floor, and position your keyboard and monitor at a height that allows your arms to form a 90-degree angle at the elbows.
  2. Regular Stretching: Take short breaks to stretch your shoulders and neck. Simple stretches like rolling your shoulders backward and forward or gently pulling your arm across your chest can alleviate tension.
  3. Proper Posture: Maintain good posture by sitting back in your chair with your shoulders relaxed and your back against the chair’s backrest. Avoid slouching or hunching forward.
  4. Desk Exercises: Incorporate desk exercises like shoulder shrugs and seated shoulder blade squeezes into your routine to strengthen and alleviate tension in the shoulder muscles.
  5. Monitor Eye Level: Position your computer monitor at eye level to avoid tilting your head up or down, which can strain your neck and shoulders.
The Perfect Ergonomic Desk Setup To Avoid Back & Neck Pain

By implementing these five simple strategies, you can reduce shoulder pain, enhance your comfort at the desk, and promote overall well-being during your workday.

Also Read:

Three Desk Exercises for Better Posture

Maintaining good posture is essential for long-term comfort and health at your desk. Here are three effective desk exercises to improve your posture:

Shoulder Blade Squeezes: 

Sit upright in your chair with your feet flat on the floor. Gently squeeze your shoulder blades together while keeping your shoulders relaxed. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then release. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times to strengthen the upper back muscles and encourage proper shoulder alignment.

Chin Tucks: 

Sit or stand with your spine straight. Slowly draw your chin in towards your neck without tilting your head up or down. Hold for a few seconds, then release. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times to counteract forward head posture and improve neck alignment.

Seated Cat-Cow Stretch: 

Sit with your feet flat and place your hands on your knees. Inhale as you arch your lower back, lifting your chest and looking upward (Cow). As you round your back and tuck your chin into your chest, let out a breath. Repeat this stretch 5-10 times to promote spinal flexibility and alignment.

Incorporate these exercises into your daily routine to strengthen key postural muscles and reduce the strain caused by prolonged sitting at your desk.

When should I do office desk exercises during work hours?

Schedule short exercise breaks every 60-90 minutes to combat sitting-related issues and rejuvenate. It’s best to align office desk exercises with natural breaks in your workflow.

Are there office exercise apps for workplace use?

Explore options like “DeskFit” and “Cubefit” for tailored office workouts, optimizing your productivity and well-being during the workday. Various apps like “7-Minute Workout” and “Sworkit” offer quick, office-friendly workouts, perfect for break times and workplace fitness.

Can I lose weight with desk exercises at the office?

Yes, incorporating simple weight loss exercise like seated leg lifts and chair squats can contribute to calorie burning and muscle toning, aiding in weight loss.


You now have all the information on benefits of exercise. Everything you need to incorporate simple yet effective the office desk exercises into your busy workday. Stop making excuses, take a quick break from your desk, and get your body moving. Protein is essential, for everyone, as it builds, repairs, and energizes your body. Commit to core workouts for a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant life ahead.

No equipment or gym membership is required. Just workout at office – roll up your sleeves, set a timer for 15-20 minutes, and choose from the exercises provided. Start with just one or two times a week and build up from there as your endurance improves. 

Incorporating these office chair exercises into your daily routine not only promotes physical activity but also contributes to better posture, reduced stress, and increased productivity. Elevate your workday wellness effortlessly with these simple chair workouts.

Transform your desk into a wellness zone. By incorporating these movements into your daily routine, you’ll effectively address the question, ‘How do I start to work out?’ Office-based weight loss exercises provide a convenient fitness solution for the workplace. Stay consistent and gradually ramp up.

You have got these office exercises! Get up and do something now. Your mind and body will reap the rewards of a reinvigorated and recharged you.

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The Best Office Desk Exercises in 2023: with No Equipment 
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The Best Office Desk Exercises in 2023: with No Equipment 
Elevate your workday with the best office desk exercises in 2023. No equipment required. Boost productivity and well-being with quick, effective routines designed for your desk.
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