Home » Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety: How to Look and Sound Confident

Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety: How to Look and Sound Confident

by Anuj Mahajan
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Public speaking is a skill that touches our lives daily. Be it a news anchor or a speaker in a YouTube videos. As a leader we also give public speech to our teams. It’s a skill that can open doors to success. But for many it’s a big challenge to Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety. Don’t worry, if you’re connected with Business Coaching, you’re on the right path.

The irony is that, despite its prevalence, 75 percent of adults fear public speaking. What about speaking in front of an audience makes us nervous?

Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety
Female Business Executive. Image by wavebreakmedia_micro

It’s time to challenge our perception of this anxiety. Instead of seeing it as a hindrance. Consider how re-evaluating stress can enhance physical and mental performance.

We often find that we accomplish the most and experience the greatest pride when confronting our fears head-on. Speaking confidently and competently can empower us to take action. Ultimately leading to achieving our goals.

This ultimate 3-in-one Public Speaking Guide will explore invaluable tips and techniques. Learn through easy steps how to become great in Public Speaking. The bonus video will help you exude confidence during public speaking. Ensuring your message is not just heard but leaves a lasting impact.

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Identifying Public Speaking Anxiety: Recognizing the Signs

Public speaking anxiety, a prevalent form of anxiety, varies from mild nervousness to overwhelming panic. Individuals may avoid or endure such situations, often displaying physical symptoms like trembling hands and a shaky voice. The fear of public speaking is worse than the fear of death

Facts on Public Speaking

In your career, you’ll employ three core presentation skill levels: business presentations, public speaking, and everyday communication. Public speaking is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. It can deter individuals from embracing this crucial skill.

  • It’s Not About Perfection: Contrary to popular belief, public speaking doesn’t demand flawless delivery. Audiences appreciate authenticity and connection over perfection.
  • You Can Learn It: Public speaking is a skill, not an innate talent. Anyone can improve through practice and training.
  • Fear is Manageable: The fear of public speaking is common but conquerable with effective techniques and gradual exposure.
  • Stories Are Powerful: Engaging storytelling, not complex data, often leaves the most lasting impressions on audiences.
  • Silence Speaks Volumes: Well-placed pauses can enhance your speech, giving you and your audience time to absorb and reflect.
Mastering the Art of Confidence in Public Speaking
Discussion during an Event. Photo by Henri Mathieu-Saint-Laurent

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Mastering the Art of Confidence in Public Speaking: Winning Your Audience

Looks and Sounds

The biggest challenge for a leader and entrepreneur is to win the audience. How To Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People By Public Speaking (Self-Help) by Dale Carnegie is a great book. How you look and sound is going to make a big impression. Research shows that people form beliefs about a leader’s competence in at least half a minute. First Impression counts. This means within seconds, listeners will decide whether you are trustworthy, and they will do it based on your body language and vocal attributes.

“A Concise Public Speaking Handbook” by Steven and Susan Beebe underscores audience analysis’s central role. Tailor your message to audience needs, employ engaging visuals, maintain eye contact, and project confidence for effective audience connection. A good read for Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety.

Public Speaking: Winning Your Audience
Audience applauding the speaker. Photo by Luis Quintero

Today, we will discuss how to build your confidence in Public Speaking. A skill that anyone can possess with the proper mindset and preparation. When you look, sound, and feel your best, you are more likely to connect with your audience, convey your key points with conviction, and get the results.

How to build your confidence in Public Speaking?

Although self-confidence comes more naturally to some people, every presenter can learn How to build their confidence in Public Speaking. It starts with accepting the fact that you are not perfect.

Yes, that’s right; there is no perfect speaker. But many people who are good at public speaking can handle tough situations and learn from them. They let go of their fear of failing and try new techniques and methods that help them become better speakers. This is the most important thing to know about how important confidence is when speaking in public.

Practicing: Build your confidence in Public Speaking
Professional female colleagues practicing. Image by pch.vector

Building confidence in public speaking requires practice, preparation, and the right mindset. Begin by thoroughly understanding your topic, as knowledge breeds confidence. Practice your speech repeatedly to become familiar with the content. Visualize success and positive outcomes before taking the stage. Finally, embrace your unique style and authenticity; genuine passion and enthusiasm are contagious.

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Confidence Is Important in Public Speaking

The delivery made a difference. When you speak with assurance, others believe you. A confident speaker puts the audience at ease. When you appear confident, you are more engaging, leading to a better connection with the audience.

What causes Public Speaking Anxiety?

Public speaking anxiety, or glossophobia, stems from fear of judgment, performance pressure, lack of preparation, and past negative experiences. General speaking anxiety arises from the fear of being judged, forgetting content, negative past experiences, physical symptoms like sweating or trembling, and the pressure to perform flawlessly in front of an audience. Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety with simple steps. There are several reasons for the lack of Self-Confidence in Public Speaking-

What causes Public Speaking Anxiety?
Glossophobia, or a fear of public speaking

A great book: Public Speaking and Presentations Demystified by Melody Templeton offers invaluable insights on overcoming public speaking anxiety, empowering individuals to tackle their fear and excel in various social and professional settings.

Lack of preparation

If you go into a situation feeling less than ready to handle it – whether in public speaking or everyday life – your confidence will likely take a hit. Don’t let your fear freeze you into inaction.

This guide simplifies public speaking preparation. Utilizing seven key principles: Perception, Perfection, Visualization, Discipline, Description, Inspiration, and Anticipation, it provides clear, practical lessons for effective readiness

One of the best ways to feel confident is to practice your speech beforehand. You can work on your Public speaking in the car, at home, while walking around town–anytime and anywhere! Practice rehearsing out loud until it sounds like a natural flow from start to finish.

Doubt over your expertise

It’s OK to have doubts, but before your next talk, honestly appraise your knowledge—bulk up your expertise.

Audience dynamics

Identifying potential disconnects with the audience before your talk and finding ways to shrink those gaps will lead to a more successful interview and a more confident delivery. An audience-centered speaker focuses on connecting to listeners rather than concentrating on his fears.

Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety
Connecting with audience.

Tips & Techniques for Public Speaking

Strategies work best when you feel confident. Public speaking is a form of performance art. You’ll have to get in the zone before starting.

How to overcome the fear of public speaking? You can do this by taking deep breaths, which will help calm your nerves. Keep doing this until you feel relaxed enough to speak.

The Essential 3 P‘s: Public Speaking

The foundational 3 Ps—Prepare, Practice, Perform—are indispensable for success in public speaking.

Give the 3 Ps a try! It doesn’t matter if it is for a work presentation,
a speech or a super important talk you’ll give

Veronica Harth, Global Head of Communications, Spotify
Essential 3 P's: Public Speaking
Business Seminar

Mastering the 7P’s: Public Speaking

The 7P’s framework offers a structured approach to enhancing communication skills, encompassing preparation, practice, poise, passion, presence, projection, and persuasion.

The more you’re willing to let people see you as flawed and laugh at your mistakes, the better you’ll get. Here are five tips and techniques:

Record Videos of Yourself and Critique Them

It’s more effective to videotape yourself than speaking in front of a mirror. Whether you record yourself, make the most of your self-critique that will help you to deliver your information in the most authentic, compelling, and effective manner possible. After your review, identify two or three things you want to change and do another practice run.

You must record your entire presentation on video and then watch it. You absolutely must do this. It is the only way to find out if your presentation is any good. You have to watch yourself giving your speech. You can’t just stare at words written on paper. The presentation is you actually speaking, so you have to edit the rough draft of you actually speaking

TJ Walker, CEO, Media Training Worldwide

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Career Coaches emphasizes the importance of recording and analyzing video footage as part of your public speaking preparation. This self-evaluation process, as suggested by Shweta Khare, allows you to gain valuable insights and refine your skills.

Rehearse When You’re Alone

Even the most seasoned speakers continuously seek improvement. Practice is just one of them. There is no one right answer for how long to practice. That’s when you understand what you’ve learned instead of just memorizing it. Be organized and know your introduction and conclusion.

Practice Speaking in Front of Family and Friends

After several practice sessions with family, friends, and colleagues, you can iron out any kinks in your presentation before you go “live.” With feedback they can tell you how you did and point out any mistakes you made.

Attend Public Speaking Events

Make every effort to get out there and seek low-risk opportunities to help you learn how to feel confident in public speaking.

Take Public Speaking Course

It can help you ultimately learn how to be a confident public speaker. Experienced trainers can zero in on the skills and techniques to help you gain the confidence to prepare and deliver a successful talk.

Remedies for Public Speaking Anxiety
Practice for Perfection

Natural Remedies for Public Speaking Anxiety

Public speaking anxiety is a common hurdle, but there are natural remedies to help manage it. Here are some holistic approaches that can calm nerves and boost confidence, allowing you to excel in your next presentation.

  • Deep Breathing: Practice deep, diaphragmatic breathing to reduce anxiety, finding joy and promote relaxation.
  • Visualization: Visualize yourself succeeding and feeling confident before stepping on stage.
  • Coffee: when taken in moderate amount, caffeinated coffee, increase alertness and energy levels.
  • Yoga and Meditation: These practices can enhance mindfulness and reduce stress.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity helps manage anxiety and boosts overall well-being.
  • Positive Affirmations: Use affirmations to counter negative thoughts and build confidence.
How to Prepare for a Public Speech
Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety

How to Prepare for a Public Speech?

There are many ways to prepare for public speaking, from making eye contact with the crowd to using humour. Public speech is all about practise and preparation.

Find ways to improve your public speaking skills and overcoming public speaking anxiety. Confident speakers make sure to speak clearly and passionately and use the right body language. They also pay attention to their audience instead of focusing on their flaws and mistakes.

Voice Modulation-

During a presentation, it’s not only what you say but how you say it that can make a difference. Researchers have found that tonal changes can attract listeners to your voice. Speak with conviction. Be passionate about what you’re talking about. Use pauses for emphasis. Practice, practice, practice!

Make Eye Contact (But Don’t Overdo It)

Even if you don’t feel at ease, put on a confident face for the audience. The best speakers try to keep eye contact with the audience during their speech. As you move your eyes around the room, connect briefly with an audience member and proceed to another.

Use Assertive Body Language

Your body movements can be as “audible” to your audience as your words. It affects how your audience sees you and how you feel about yourself. Smile before and after speaking. Smiling increases your self-esteem, putting you in a better mood and making others like what you say more. The easiest way to show confidence as a presenter is to stand up straight and not slouch. It’s a stance that breeds competency as much as connection and can help you to feel confident throughout your talk.

Add Humour

Everyone likes a good joke. Suppose you want to use humour in your presentation, which can be a good way to connect with your audience. It can make them feel at ease. Use it sparingly and with care. Remember that you are not a stand-up comedian but a presenter. Just know it’s a fine line between laughing at your own expense and knocking your expertise.

Don’t Fixate on Mistakes – Keep Going

One of the greatest ways to bring attention to an unexpected challenge is to bring attention to it. People make mistakes, and most listeners are usually happy to move on if the speaker moves on quickly, too. The most important thing to do when speaking in public is to keep going. If what you say after your mistake is good, no one will think too much about your previous error.

Achieve unbelievable results with practise. Give yourself a mental Pep-Talk. Take care of these basics regularly, and you’ll see your game improve.

So go ahead, get up there and speak! It’s important to get your point across. Let people hear you.

Bonus Video: Tips and Techniques 3-in-one Video on Public Speaking

FAQ: Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety

Who are five all-time great public speakers?

Five iconic public speakers include Martin Luther King Jr., Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, and Abraham Lincoln.

How can I overcome the fear of public speaking?

Overcoming the fear of public speaking involves practice, preparation, deep breathing, visualization, and embracing your unique style. Seek guidance or join general speaking courses for support.


The ability to exude confidence and connect with your audience is paramount in public speaking. While the fear of public speaking is common, it can be conquered through practice, preparation, and the right mindset. Acknowledging that perfection is not the goal, but rather improvement, is the first step towards building self-assurance. Visualizing success, embracing your unique style, and practicing in various settings, from alone to in front of friends and family, can help you grow as a confident public speaker. Public speaking courses and seeking low-risk opportunities can further enhance your skills to true potential.

Confident speakers focus on clear and passionate delivery, appropriate voice modulation, engaging eye contact, assertive body language, and when suitable, tasteful humor. Acknowledging and moving past mistakes swiftly is crucial, as audiences are forgiving when the speaker continues with valuable content.

In conclusion, Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety may be a challenge, but it’s a skill that can be mastered. With dedication, practice, and the willingness to learn from each experience, you can become a confident and effective communicator, leaving a lasting impact on your audience. So, take the stage, make your voice heard, and watch your confidence soar.

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Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety: How to Look and Sound Confident
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Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety: How to Look and Sound Confident
Explore practical techniques to overcome public speaking anxiety and enhance your ability to appear confident and composed during your public speaking engagements.
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